
۷ تیر ۱۳۸۹

نامه اعتراض آمیز به فیفا

با توجه به اینکه پیش بینی بنده از قهرمان جام اشتباه از آب درامد ( و طبق روال لباس هاشو پوشید رفت ! ) ؛ لازم دیدم مراتب مشاهدات خود را فیفا گزارش داده و آن بندگان خدا را از غفلت و جهل برهانم
متن نامه ارسالی بنده به فیفا لحظاتی پس از اتمام مسابقه انگلیس - آلمان

Hello Mr.Fifa
some minutes ago,when England-Germany match finished, I was forced to complain about it,Are you compeletly unfamiliar with my citizen rights? first of all, what the hell crap was this refree ? especially the refree man who was holding a flag and was just running across the line, was he ill ? or he was experiencing some sort of difficulty in his back ? would you like some advice ? let him come and play laser tag with us this weekend, we will screw him.
second, thank you for your great ball, named funny jaboolany, you'd better know that this ball goes everywhere that it likes and says HaaZaa ! please put in rubbish bin.
and finnaly I apply both formal and informal protest to you. you FIFA bastard ... yeah you heard me !
and be aware of 2 thing, which none of them is your business first I can bench press for more than 9 thousand 6 hundred nano grams, which I myself know that this is less than 2 pound, but I wanted to be frightnening, and second I won’t keep your card in my wallet any more. I will choose Eram Zoo card this time forward, they have monkey and frankly you don't!
I'll miss you too , babye !

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